New Year, the ideal time to make a booking

NY fb post

The end of one year and the beginning of another can make us all a little uncertain. We make resolutions, promise to make positive changes and sometimes put so much unnecessary pressure on ourselves, our resolutions are often out the window within days/weeks.

Most of us want change and perhaps to move our life in a different direction.   A tarot reading is like a map showing you the way.   The cards are rich with symbolism and can help you understand your path, motivations, blocks and subconscious desires.    All of which provides clarity.

Or are you so flat, tired and just downright unsure?    A chakra energy balance may be just what you need?   Working with your spiritual energy centres a balance can help uncover blocks, patterns and fears that hold you back,  limiting your ability to be the best version of yourself.

Follow website prompt to make a booking or phone/message.

We all deserve an amazing year.

In need of a Spring Clean? This workshop is for YOU.

An introduction on cleansing your space, mind, body and spirit



Come along and spend an afternoon learning all things cleansing, from smudge sticks, crystals, rituals and more.

Have fun with like minded people while knowing you will walk away feeling lighter, happier and uplifted.

For registration details, email me on:

This Sunday 26th August,   1pm to 4pm

Time to dust off that old energy and make ready for change.     See you then x

The Art of Smudging Workshop

smudgingv1Please join me on August 26th for my first ‘Art of Smudging’ Workshop.    Using many techniques we will explore various ways to cleanse our surroundings, body, mind and spirit.

I will share ways of using Smudge Sticks, Crystals, Salt, Sound etc to lift our energy, negate others effect on us and many other ways of utilising these wonderful resources.

All you’ll need is an open mind, notebook and pen.

Investment :     $70

Date:                  Sunday 26th August 2018

Time:                 1-4pm

Afternoon tea provided.

Secure your spot now by emailing:

Smudging for Success

smudgeDid you know that your house and all environments hold residual energy?    Energy from all those good times, the joy and celebrations, love and happiness but equally energy from fights, anger, sadness and grief.   While you may not have thought about it in those terms I’m sure we’ve all walked into a house and experienced that little niggle in our gut that something just didn’t feel right.

I was recently asked by a client to smudge their rental property.    They’d had the unit for a long time with no issues and steady tenants.  However, when the last tenants moved out they struggled to find replacement tenants despite changing agents, spending a tonne of money on cleaning, repairs, maintenance and even reducing rent significantly…. Almost 6 months passed and still no luck.

With all physical, financial and tangible issues taken care of they were running out of answers.  To me it was obvious that what was needed was an energy refresh.   So over I go armed with my trusty smudge stick and a few other tricks up my sleeve.

It’s a ritual that incorporates the use of elements to cleanse the unit leaving the energy fresh and purified.   I open all doors and windows then using a sage smudge stick I walked throughout the unit reciting a prayer to move the energy.    I also used my singing bowl, a great resource that uses vibratory frequencies to help restore out of balance energy.    Lastly, I placed some crystals around the unit that promote different attributes such as wellbeing, safety, grounding and even a couple of rose quartz in the master bedroom.

The smudge ceremony was undertaken on the Thursday and that weekend at the open house the unit was successfully rented…. For 18 months no less.    Now that’s what I call a successful smudge session.

When life gives you attitude


oban gratitudeOk I was feeling pretty annoyed (pissed was my preferred word to be honest) this week as an event caused me some stress and anxiety.   But that’s life isn’t it.   Which one of us has the perfect life where nothing bad or upsetting happens?  Anyone??

Wallowing in my own thoughts it was time to put my ‘self-care’ plan in motion….   I called my ‘go to’ friend.    After lots of chatting, sharing of ideas and hearing it like it is, we both ended up laughing and feeling so much better.     She reminded me to focus on my gratitude instead of the negatives.   Isn’t it hard to feel gratitude when you wallow in ‘life’s a bitch’ mentality but that’s exactly when we need to stop and smell the roses so to speak.    In my case it was stop and smell the smelly dogs!  Phew they need a bath but boy does my heart burst when they look at me with pure unadulterated love at the mere thought of getting walked.    I’m grateful they fill me with JOY.

Most of us, without thinking about it, will have strategies in place to help us through life; a little money set aside for that rainy day, ongoing personal development to keep us growing, a tub of ice cream in the freezer.      What about a strategy for your self-care.   I encourage all of you to get a ‘self-care’ plan.    It might be as simple as writing 3 bullet points and sticking them on the fridge:   1)    Call a friend, one who will not allow you to wallow but will remind you to be positive and find gratitude,   2)   change your environment,  for example walk the dogs and revel in their gratitude for taking them, or smudge your house and invite gratitude in,  and   3)   journal 5 things you’re grateful for.

Your plan can be as simple as 3 points or as long as you want to make it.    Just make sure you action them and move on.    Giving gratitude is easy when life seems cushy, but finding gratitude can change your mindset and bring joy when we need it most.

Ooops somethings gone wrong

Technical issue and I've lost all blogs back to early 2017 !

No big drama, maybe its the hint I need to update my website.

Time for me to have a think on what this refresh might look like.  While I work on a new look, I’ll continue to add my facebook posts.

AND…. you have my mobile,  so if you’re looking for an appointment, give me a call.    0497 980 702


Taking the advice of the Eagle Council

For anyone who read my last post knows that I was blessed to receive information during a meditation with eagles on my purpose.    In short….

The council’s purpose is to pass on knowledge and lead the way.  They emphasised to me that sharing of knowledge is important and necessary for my own personal growth as well as others.    

Today I found myself sharing some information on my understanding of meditation with some colleagues.    So as advised by the Eagles, here is my thoughts on Meditation!   Sharing is caring.

Meditation:        is not just a trend, people have been meditating in different cultures throughout the world for thousands of years, usually as a way of finding inner peace and in more modern times as a way to relax, find clarity and reduce stress.  There is countless evidence that meditation is good for you and has a wide range of health benefits.

Never meditated?    Wonder what it’s all about?   The most important thing to remember it’s not just for gurus but something that’s healthy, doesn’t cost money and can be done almost anywhere.

So what is meditation?      There are many definitions of meditation and these vary depending on the form you are practising.   However at it’s most basic level it’s about slowing the thoughts and training your mind to pay attention.   Contrary to some beliefs it’s NOT about stopping your thoughts and having a blank mind.   We are human with a brain, a brain that’s supposed to think and process.   Meditation is about training yourself to help control your thoughts, stopping yourself from jumping from one to another, and learning to simply acknowledging the thought and let it go.   Meditation is a discipline and with practise helps turn the minds attention inwards to bring clarity of thought, and your attention to how your body feels.

3 ways to use your thoughts: 

1)    knowing what your mind is paying attention to,

  • When you try to still your mind and it continues to jump to a particular area or concern constantly?
  • Are you wasting energy on past events? Or projecting into the future what might happen?
  • Are you simply jumping from one thing to another, to another?

2)   working out where your mind’s attention needs to be focused.   (While this sounds the same as above, it’s quite different because you now acknowledge the thoughts and during your next meditation you focus on ONE thought)

  • In the case of past or present thoughts,
    • Focus your mind on the here and now…the present moment, your breath and while you sit and meditate feel reassured that during those moments all is well
  • If it’s the same thought repeating
    • Focus on what you are avoiding and why.
  • Jumping from multiple things.
    • Are you stressed by being stretched in too many areas? Focus not on all you have to do, but perhaps how your body feels.   It’s amazing when we give our body a chance to ‘speak’ how during a meditation shoulders can become tight as a sign of stress, or we feel a knot in our stomach when something doesn’t feel right.

So now you’ve acknowledge all the thoughts, decided on your focus for your next meditation and now you start training your mind to maintain focus

3)   Maintaining attention on what you want your mind to be focusing on.

  • When you first start, try setting your phone alarm for just 5 minutes.  You’ll be surprised how your mind wants to jump about and the number of thoughts that will pass through in only 5 minutes.   Again it’s about becoming aware of the thoughts….NOT acting on them, jumping onto that train of thought, but simply acknowledge the thought and letting it go.   If you find you’ve wondered off on another thought, that’s okay.  Come back to counting your breath is always a good way to refocus.

As the saying goes, practise makes perfect.  The more you do it the easier it becomes and the longer you can stay in meditation.

Different Meditations;      There are many kinds of meditation, one to suit everyone.  They all help train the mind and all forms of meditation encourage you to focus your attention.  Give each a go and find what works for you or why not mix it up.

A few different types include:

  • your breath  (simply counting your in, hold and out breath)
  • an object (such as a candle, a flame or picture)
  • a mantra (a repeated word or sound, sometimes called kirtan)
  • a visualisation (mental images)
  • an affirmation (positive statements).

Surroundings:     Don’t think you need to sit crossed legs, atop a mountain or in a monastery.   Some of the best meditations can be done sitting outside in the garden, under a tree, near the beach or just in a quiet area of the house.    You need to be relaxed and not get hung up about distractions:  noise from kids, outside traffic, life in general going on.   It’s not about trying to ignore or shut them out completely but rather simply let them be in the background and simply bring your attention back to the focus.  Obviously turning off your mobile phone or telling the kids you are having quiet time and not to disturb you is a good idea before you start.